Four police forces in the West Midlands have joined the Action Fraud scheme. Action Fraud is a service run by the National Fraud Authority whose job it is to co-ordinate the UK’s response to fraud. The purpose of the scheme is to act as a single point of contact for the public to report incidents of fraud, these are then passed on to the police who can take the appropriate response.
West Mercia, Warwickshire, Staffordshire and West Midlands Police forces have all now joined the scheme. Incidents of fraud have been rising in recent times, especially online fraud, such as the all to common “phishing” email scams (Action Fraud have a huge list on their website).
By March 2013 all forces across the country will have signed up to Action Fraud. This should free up the time of local officers who previously dealt with the crime reports, this role will now be taken on by Action Fraud staff.
Perpetuity has conducted a number of research projects on fraud, most specifically on identity theft. You can read more about our fraud research in our Security and Risk section of our Publications page.