Martin Gill 13th most influential person in Security & Fire

Feb 28, 2013Blog, News

Martin GillTo celebrate their 40th anniversary IFSEC International has compiled a list of the 40 people they consider to be the most influential in the global security and fire industries.

Our Director, Martin Gill, was placed 13th. Over a decade since starting Perpetuity Research, Martin and the research team continue to produce high quality independent academically based research to develop a better understanding of security both within the industry and for those working outside it. Our latest piece of research for the Security Research Initiative on single and bundled security procurement is due to be published later this year.

The top ten was made up of some big names from companies such as Microsoft, Siemens, BT, Securitas and G4S. The first place went to Martin Gren, co-founder of Axis Communications. He has been instrumental in developing and spreading the use of network cameras which now define the video surveillance market.

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