Conference Round-up

Sep 30, 2013Blog, Conferences, News

Martin Gill attended the Annual ASIS Conference and Exhibits held this year in Chicago. Martin is Chair of the Research Council which is seeking to promote security research to ASIS members and bring awareness of research undertaken within ASIS to the outside world. There is a major project being conducted on security metrics which will report next year which we will update you on this in this newsletter. In Chicago Martin gave a talk on the state of the security sector in the UK and drew parallels with developments globally. In a separate session he spoke about the work of the Research Council via the ASIS Foundation including CRISP reports. These are conducted by leading experts around the world and focussed on specific aspects of security. They are also free of charge so worth a look. The latest is on security in the supply chain and is written by Dr Harald Haelterman (

On september 16th Martin spoke at the Nordic Fraud Conference on ‘fraudsters approaches to fraud’ based on his research with fraudsters in prison. He also Chaired the retail Bulletin conference. In October he will be Charing a session at the British Retail Consortium conference and the conference in Leicester organised by Retail Knowledge ( We will report on these next month.

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