As part of its ongoing work with the NASUWT, Perpetuity has been exploring the issue of gangs and schools in the UK. Stage one of the research which is now complete has adopted a case study approach in four urban schools in England supported by a literature review of recently published and unpublished material covering the areas of gangs, street culture, schools and school related interventions in the UK. Interviews have taken place with staff and young people in schools to investigate whether there is a problem that needs to be managed. The research has also unveiled some examples of interventions and policies that have been implemented in schools to prevent the problems from escalating further.

Perpetuity have recently started the second phase of the research which is intended to be two-fold; in the first instance a mapping exercise of existing school based and youth interventions designed to tackle gangs and gang culture in and around schools in the UK will be undertaken. This will be followed by the development of a toolkit for schools which will provide an information bank of effective practice to tackle gangs and gang culture.

You can download the full report free below.

Download the Gangs and Schools Report.

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