Based upon the findings obtained from the research study below into violence and indiscipline in schools, PRCI was invited to undertake a national research study of the professional development of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs). Part of the research agenda was to survey NQTs with respect to their level of preparedness for entering the teaching profession. In particular, the research study sought to establish views and perceptions of NQTs from across the UK surrounding the management of classroom behaviour and to offer the opportunity to become involved in a five-year longitudinal study to track the professional development of a number of NQTs from their initial point of entry into the teaching profession. The purpose of this is to examine the development of skills in managing pupil behaviour, and strategies used to help resolve problem behaviour throughout the course of a career in teaching.
You can download the full report free below.
Download the NASUWT – Evaluation of the Professional Development of Newly Qualified Teachers Report.