50% off Crime Prevention and Security Management Series

Apr 28, 2014Blog, Journals, News

This series aims to address topics such as: Crime Control policing, security, theft, workplace violence and crime, fear of crime, civil disorder, white collar crime and anti-social behaviour. International in perspective, providing critically and theoretically-informed work, and edited by our very own Martin Gill, this series will advance new understandings of crime prevention and security management.

With this exclusive discount code, you can get 50% off titles in the Crime Prevention and Security Management series. Just quote ‘WCPSM2014a’ when ordering the book directly from Palgrave Macmillan to claim your discount. Order from the Palgrave website here: (the code is requested at the end of the ordering process). You can also email your order, quoting the code, to orders@palgrave.com. This code is valid until 15th July 2014.

‘Soft’ Policing: The Collaborative Control of Anti-Social Behaviour – Daniel McCarthy – released 05 February 2014

Corporate Security in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice in International Perspective – Kevin Walby and Randy Lippert – to be released 20 June 2014

Citizens, Community and Crime Control – Karen Bullock – to be released 23 July 2014

The Crime Prevention and Security Management series is a collection of books published by Palgrave Macmillan and edited by Martin Gill.

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