This series aims to address topics such as: Crime Control policing, security, theft, workplace violence and crime, fear of crime, civil disorder, white collar crime and anti-social behaviour. International in perspective, providing critically and theoretically-informed work, and edited by our very own Martin Gill, this series will advance new understandings of crime prevention and security management.
Visit the Palgrave Macmillan website for more information on the Crime Prevention and Security Management series.
Surveillance Schools: Security, Discipline and Control in Contemporary Schools
In this latest release Taylor focuses on the phenomenon of the Surveillance School and explores the impact that continual monitoring is having upon school children, education and society.
Other Recent Releases
Citizens, Community and Crime Control – Karen Bullock (Published August 2014)
Corporate Security in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice in International Perspective – Kevin Walby and Randy K. Lippert (Published June 2014)