This year the Security Research Initiative is taking on a new project looking at the role of the private security sector in tackling cyber crime.
As cyber crime is quickly growing and evolving, the threat posed to businesses and individuals is irrefutable. Unlike conventional crimes we are all very likely to be victims of a cyber attack; it is almost guaranteed. It is has become a national security priority and is already changing the nature of policing as various parts of law enforcement change the focus from street crime to the Internet.
The same issues are occurring in organisations. Yet the role of private security (both corporate security and security suppliers) in tackling cyber crime remains unclear and in the corporate sector the relationship between corporate and IT security remains confused.
In this project we are seeking to identify the difficulties, and crucially the opportunities that the cyber crime threat presents to private security, and to better understand the relationship with the police and also IT security in terms of the role they play addressing these offences.
If you have any thoughts on the topic that you would like to contribute to the research please contact us
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