At a meeting of SRI members in London on the 30th June, the new SRI study was announced. The aim is to produce a ‘Strategy for Change for the Security Sector’. There is a whole range of strategies that guide thinking on a variety of activities, in defence, on policing, in tackling terrorism, fraud and organised come to name but a few. The aim of this new SRI project is to consider what the future directions of security might be. The context includes a police service facing challenging resource constraints, an economic outlook which is breeding concern about crime and disorder issues, a recognition that the protection of key parts of the national infrastructure rests in private sector hands – and therefore involves private security – but a lack of clarity about how this can best be harnessed, plenty of discussions about police/private partnerships but fewer shining samples of good practices, and then we have the threats posed by cyber crime, the increasing costs of labour, the opportunities posed by technology to name but a few. So where does this leave private security?
Some of the issues that we may consider include approaches needed to position the security sector (corporates and suppliers) as partners of choice, processes for increasing trust in what security does, identifying the unique capabilities of the security sector, looking at what the police and insurers see as benefits from having a thriving private security sector.
If you would like more information on this study then contact Professor Martin Gill at
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