Secured Environments is a sister accreditation to Secured by Design (SBD). SBD is the trading name of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Limited. It was set up under the auspices of the Association of Chief Police Officers more than a decade ago and was recently taken over by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) on behalf of the UK Police Services.
Secured by Design aims to utilise design principles and products in the built environment that reduce the risk of crime by combining minimum standards of physical security and proven principles of natural surveillance and defensible space. The principles have been proven to achieve a reduction in crime of up to 75%.
On the physical security side, companies that have achieved third-party testing and independent certification for their products can apply to become Secured by Design members. The membership scheme currently includes more than 500 companies whose products have been awarded ‘Police Preferred Specification’ status across a broad range of categories, including doors, windows, bicycle security, perimeter fencing, mobile phones, roofing products, secondary glazing and many others.
The Development Award is a certificate given to building developments which, following consultation with local Crime Prevention Design Advisors (also known as Architectural Liaison Officers or Designing Out Crime Officers), are built to Secured by Design guidelines and so reduce the opportunity for crime. A new scheme, SBD National Building Approval, has recently been launched. It allows developers to agree all aspects of physical security for each building long before any development is realised or planned. This process is only undertaken once, when the developer initially joins Secured by Design and the agreement will then form the security criteria that must be met for all National Building Approval schemes that result.
Other business areas that fall under the Police CPI banner are Park Mark, Safer Parking, Secured Environments, NPCC Security Systems Group and the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme.
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