The impact of organised crime in the off-street sex market

Sep 27, 2016Blog, Criminal Justice, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Front Page, Publications, Research


Research conducted jointly by Perpetuity Research and Police foundation published today shows that organised crime plays a major role in local off-street sex markets. The study, based in Bristol, found that very many of the brothels identified were managed by groups of offenders.

What’s the impact of organised crime on the adult sex market? This is what the resesarch found:


and here is what the research recommends:


This work is one component of a wider research project looking at organised crime and its impact on local communities. Further papers, as well as a single consolidated report, are scheduled for publication this year. Perpetuity Research and the Police Foundation are very grateful to the Dawes Trust for funding the ‘Reducing the Impact of Organised Crime in Local Communities’ project.


You can download the full report below:





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