Bournemouth University has successfully been re-accredited with Secured Environments for the third time. The university underwent a thorough audit of their security processes and procedures as well as consultation with staff in order to achieve the award.
Like many universities, there are unique challenges in managing security in a context where buildings are spread through the town centre and where members of the public use university services such as the shop, bank, restaurant and sports facilities.
Recorded crime, although already low, has fallen since their previous audit was undertaken. In particular the work of the university to reduce bike theft has yielded results.
Sandra Baylis, Facilities Manager (Soft Services), who led on the work to gain the accreditation noted:
“Bournemouth University is delighted to have been awarded the Secured Environments accreditation for the third time. Being a part of the Secured Environments scheme has provided a framework for our security processes, while evidencing the University’s commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for all staff and students.
The Secured Environments auditing process is professionally managed. An auditor checks that appropriate policies and procedures are in place, but more importantly, holds focus groups to ensure that staff who work within the security teams as well as groups of stakeholders from across the University are able to provide their view on how well security is managed.
The security team are all committed to maintaining safety and security, so it is great to have our efforts verified by an external consultant.”
Running parallel to their work to gain Secured Environments, the University has also worked closely with Dorset Police to ensure that their new builds have been completed within Secured by Design specifications. They plan to continue this approach with other planned new builds.
Guy Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer, Police CPI noted:
“It is encouraging to see the University take a holistic approach to security. Addressing both their approach to management of security through Secured Environments and designing-in approved physical security standards through Secured by Design is a commendable approach and one that we hope to see many more organisations adopt in the future.”