New Research report during Covid-19 on “Why is the death rate of security officers comparatively high? Thinking about the reasons”

Jul 3, 2020Publications, Security & Risk

Perpetuity Research are pleased to share their latest report on “Why is the death rate of security officers comparatively high? Thinking about the reasons” commissioned by Corps Security.

The focus of this report was to try and better understand the high rate of Covid-19 deaths experienced by security officers in the UK (compared to other occupations) as recently reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The research was carried out through desk-top analysis of a number of data sources. The aim was to identify what Covid-19 risk factors are particularly applicable to the security sector and whether anything relating to the nature of security officers’ roles renders them more vulnerable to Covid-19.
Professor Martin Gill comments “We were delighted to research this key area for Corps. The true picture is complex, with some risk factors almost certainly interrelated, may still be emerging, or even not yet identified. What does seem clear though from this preliminary research is that gender, ethnicity, the nature of the job have all been seen to increase risks and these are all characteristics of security officers.
The report is available to download free from the Corps Security website:
Download Report 

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