Call for frontline security officers to take part in important research

Jun 22, 2023Blog, Front Page, Research

Perpetuity Research has been commissioned by The International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO) to undertake a ground-breaking study to explore the roles, responsibilities and training of frontline security officers (sometimes referred to as security guards).

Call to action

  • We are looking for frontline security officers/guards, to take part in an on-line survey.

A security officer or guard is typically a frontline worker involved in protecting a premises against crime and other threats. It may involve patrolling, implementing security/technology measures, controlling access, maintaining order, enforcing regulations, and/or offering a reassuring presence. A security officer/guard can be employed and based in any location; the job will typically (but not always) involve wearing a uniform. The individual may have responsibility only for themselves or act in a supervisory capacity.

  • During the survey you will be asked questions about the tasks you undertake, the skills required and the training you have received.
  • The survey will take no longer than 15-minutes and will consist of mostly multiple-choice questions.

Eligibility criteria

To take part you must be employed as a security officer/guard (up to supervisor level) and work in one of the following countries*:

  • Canada
  • Ecuador
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Nigeria
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • UK
  • USA

* these countries have been identified for the initial phase and others may be added as the project progresses.

Why take part

  • Your opinions are valuable and by giving feedback, your thoughts, ideas and experiences can help shape the future of security.
  • The survey is anonymous, which means that no one will know how you have answered, and no names of individuals or organisations will be included in the findings. If you wish, at the end of the survey you can choose to leave an email address to receive a copy of the report and/or be entered into a prize draw to win an Amazon gift card**.

**in each country 3 vouchers to the value of $50 USD will be awarded.

How to take part

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