4th Secured Environments award for Lloyd’s of London

Nov 27, 2024Blog, News

On Monday 25th November, City of London Police Commissioner, Peter O’Doherty, presented the Secured Environments award to Lloyd’s.

Terry Blacker, Head of Corporate Real Estate noted: ‘Lloyd’s is extremely proud to have renewed the Secured Environments award for the 4th time. Recognition of our focus on the importance of good physical security is extremely important to Lloyd’s as our iconic building in London welcomes people from all around the world. This award acknowledges the professionalism that Lloyd’s, our service partners and staff collectively display day in day out, contributing to a safe workspace, where the Lloyd’s market can thrive.’

Secured Environments is a police accreditation that was established in 2007 and is awarded by the police to organisations that have demonstrated effective management measures to protect their premises and workforce from criminal activities. Visit the website to find out about the Secured Environments criteria and process.

Guy Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer at Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, said: “I am pleased that the Lloyd’s of London has achieved the Secured Environments award for a fourth time.

“Secured Environments is suitable for many types of organisations, regardless of their size, function and location. It offers accreditation for those that can evidence their commitment to good security. Every organisation can benefit from working to a framework that enables them to think through the security challenges they face and how best to manage them.”

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