SRI: Security Strategy Toolkit

Surprisingly few organisations have a security strategy in place – and even less have an effective strategy.

Our research prior to developing the toolkit had found that only one in three companies have a full, board approved, security strategy. Even when a security strategy was in place it was rarely ‘fit for purpose’, lacking specific objectives to guide the work of the security function within the organisation. Despite this many directors recognise that having a security strategy is important.

Security leaders need to have at least a basic understanding of strategic planning, including its development and implementation. Strategic planning is a fundamental element of successful companies and is a crucial part of managing delivery.

This toolkit is designed to help you develop your own security strategy by providing case study examples, tools, and templates. It also gives good practice advice based on interviews with security directors, other managers with strategy implementation experience and academic strategy experts.

You can download the Security Strategy Toolkit and examples free below.

Download The Security Strategy Toolkit

Download The Security Strategy Toolkit Examples

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