Transport Case Study: Evaluation of Live CCTV on Buses

Dec 28, 2013Research Project Case Studies

Who for: A transport organisation.

Methods: Literature review, evaluation using 5I’s method and ‘realist’ evaluation of context, the collection and analysis of incident data from bus routes, stakeholder interviews with 16 stakeholders at various levels, interviews with 37 bus drivers, and qualitative analysis of interview data.

Description: Perpetuity was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of a six-month trial using live CCTV on a London bus route. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the impact of using the live CCTV system on the level of crime and disorder incidents reported on the bus route. The evaluation included a literature review of CCTV to identify and highlight the potential advantages and limitations of using CCTV in this way. An impact analysis was undertaken which included both quantitative data (for example on levels and types of incidents), as well as qualitative data (for example, from observations and interviews with stakeholders and operational staff). The study incorporated a ‘realistic evaluation’ to consider the context, mechanism and outcome of the measures used in the trial. The report was used to help determine whether to continue the use of the live CCTV system.

Actionable Outputs: The final report made a number of recommendations covering both the technical aspects of the use of live CCTV as well as the operational aspects. The report strongly suggested the need for further thorough analysis of the system and mechanisms prior to any decision to implement the scheme on a wider scale.

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