Healthy Communities Research

As the drug and alcohol treatment agenda has developed over the past decade, we have established a strong track record undertaking work in the area of substance misuse. This has included numerous service evaluations and needs assessments for local Drug and Alcohol Teams and services.

More recently, a growing concern in the public sphere and our society as a whole is that of obesity and weight management, signalling a need to increase public awareness on how to lead healthy lifestyles. Our research team has undertaken a number of service evaluations of weight management and obesity prevention programmes, through which we have developed an excellent understanding of good practice and the challenge of effecting behaviour change. Perpetuity has worked in collaboration with various public bodies, including local NHS authorities, researching initiatives and providing practical cost effective recommendations for service improvements.

We have also recently expanded our healthy communities remit to include smoking prevention and cessation and were commissioned to undertake an extensive evaluation of The SmokeScreen Mediology, an innovative campaign to prevent young people smoking. Other work in this area includes a review of a campaign encouraging adults to keep their homes and cars smokefree in order to protect others, particularly children from the harmful effects of cigarette smoke.

Research into each of these areas has the potential to support the work of health services in producing an overwhelmingly positive social effect that fits in strongly with our ethos at Perpetuity.

You can access our published research reports into the area of Health here.  You can access a case study of our health research work here.