by Ruth Crocker | Dec 30, 2013 | Publications, Security Research Initiative, SRI Publications
This study was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the view of the security function from those in senior management positions within organisations but not those specialising in security. Not only was security commonly considered as an important function...
by Ruth Crocker | Dec 30, 2013 | Publications, Security Research Initiative, SRI Publications
Procurers noted that one of the problems for the security sector (and a criticism of it) was that it did not show how it added value and therefore tended to be viewed as an unwelcome cost. Thus the second year of the SRI focussed on the extent to which security could...
by Ruth Crocker | Dec 30, 2013 | Publications, Security Research Initiative, SRI Publications
The SRI has produced two reports on Procurement of Security. The first contains findings from a research study focussing on those engaged in the buying decision. It raises some interesting findings not least that the security sector believe that procurers often do not...
by Ruth Crocker | Dec 30, 2013 | Criminal Justice, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Publications
As part of the Every Child Matters guidance, public funded bodies must now demonstrate how children and young people participate in the design, delivery and evaluation of the services they use. Leicestershire YOS commissioned Perpetuity to consult with young people...
by Ruth Crocker | Dec 30, 2013 | Healthy Communities, Publications, Substance Misuse
Perpetuity were commissioned by Bedfordshire Drug Action Team (B:DAT) to undertake the 2009 adult drug needs assessment. The needs assessment covered two unitary authority areas including Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire. The purpose of the needs assessment...