
The University of Leeds secures police award for security

The University of Leeds has achieved the prestigious Secured Environments award by demonstrating their commitment to good security management. The University, established in 1904, is one of the largest higher education institutions in the UK and is renowned globally...

4th Secured Environments award for Lloyd’s of London

On Monday 25th November, City of London Police Commissioner, Peter O’Doherty, presented the Secured Environments award to Lloyd’s. Terry Blacker, Head of Corporate Real Estate noted: ‘Lloyd’s is extremely proud to have renewed the Secured Environments award for the...

Optimising Joint Working between the Police and Private Security

The aim of the research was to explore the forms of joint working that take place between the security sector and the police, and the barriers that can prevent this work from progressing. The research is based on the views of security professionals from in-house...


In this Crime Bytes, Clare explores food fraud: why is it a problem and what can we do about it? An aspect of fraud that has received relatively little coverage and yet appears to be on the rise is food fraud. This includes products that are deliberately diluted,...

Education for Justice Initiative

Education for Justice Initiative

In February, Martin Gill presented his recent research at the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) Headquarters in Vienna, Austria at a series of expert group meetings. Martin has been acting as an consultant on the Education for Justice Initiative....

Professor Martin Gill wins two awards

Professor Martin Gill wins two awards

Professor Martin Gill of Perpetuity Research and the OSPAs has won two awards. On October 13th 2016 Martin was awarded the Imbert Associations Prize during the 2016 CONSEC Conference at the London Heathrow Marriott Hotel. The Prize is awarded to an individual in...

New SRI Study Announced

New SRI Study Announced

At a meeting of SRI members in London on the 30th June, the new SRI study was announced. The aim is to produce a 'Strategy for Change for the Security Sector'. There is a whole range of strategies that guide thinking on a variety of activities, in defence, on...

Secured by Design

Secured by Design

Secured Environments is a sister accreditation to Secured by Design (SBD). SBD is the trading name of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Limited. It was set up under the auspices of the Association of Chief Police Officers more than a decade ago and was recently...

Atrium Shopping Centre Receives Secured Environments Award

Atrium Shopping Centre Receives Secured Environments Award

The Atrium Shopping Centre, Camberly, is the latest shopping centre to be accredited as a Secured Environment. The shopping centre underwent a thorough audit of their security processes and procedures, which included independent consultation with staff, review of key...

Safer Spaces Self-Assessment Scheme

Safer Spaces Self-Assessment Scheme

Safer Spaces Self-Assessment Scheme The success of your business depends on many things but one is providing a safe and secure environment for your customers, employees and visitors. Such an environment will help reduce the incidence and impact of crime. Without good...

IFSEC International Show Preview

IFSEC International Show Preview

From the 21st – 23rd June 2016, Perpetuity Research will be at IFSEC International. You will be able to find us at stand number C1120 throughout the 3 days. You can also see our Director, Professor Martin Gill be speaking at the event on the 21st June from 14.40 –...

Crime Prevention and Security Management

Crime Prevention and Security Management

Palgrave Macmillan’s Crime Prevention and Security Management series, edited by Martin Gill, has published over 20 titles since it launched in 2008. It is widely recognised that we live in an increasingly unsafe society, but the study of security and crime prevention...

Professor Martin Gill is now a Chartered Security Professional

Professor Martin Gill is now a Chartered Security Professional

At Perpetuity, we are pleased to announce that our Director, Professor Martin Gill, is now a Chartered Security Professional. His application was approved by the Chartered Security Professionals' Registration Authority and he was admitted to the Register of Chartered...

Risk Management Journal

Risk Management Journal

Martin Gill is a founding editor and Board member of Risk Management journal. It has now developed into an international journal specialising in not just finance risk but including papers relating to business and regulation.  The new editor, From January 2016 is Igor...

Retail Crime at a Record High

Retail Crime at a Record High

According to the BRC's 2015 Retail Crime Survey, the cost of crime on the retail market was over £600 million in 2015, which is an increase on last year with more than 4 million offences committed. While there are problems in any survey of this the, and caution is...

Sussex Business Crime Initiative

Sussex Business Crime Initiative

The Sussex police have began to pilot a Business Crime Initiative in order to tackle business crime more efficiently. The initiative, which is starting out in Sussex and could grow if successful, aims to bring businesses and police closer together so they can fight...

Deloitte joins as a member of the SRI

Deloitte joins as a member of the SRI

Perpetuity are pleased to announce that Deloitte, an international professional services firm, has become our newest member of the Security Research Initiative. They join a whole host of corporate and security companies, and we look forward to working with them in the...

Martin Gill: ASIS Foundation Board for 2014 and 2015

Martin Gill: ASIS Foundation Board for 2014 and 2015

Martin Gill who in recent years has Chaired the ASIS Research Council has been asked to sit on the ASIS Foundation Board for 2014 and 2015. He will still be a member of the Research Council and Mary Lynn Garcia will take over as Chair. Martin noted: 'I am delighted...