Domestic abuse is surging at an alarming rate in many countries globally, including the UK and much of it is being attributed to the Covid-19 epidemic. Telephone lines have been lighting up at domestic abuse charities and support services at a rate of nearly 50% more...
The impact of organised crime in local communities
Since 2014 the Perpetuity Research and the Police Foundation have been researching the impact of serious organised crime in communities and how this threat is tackled locally in a study supported by the Dawes Trust. The report published today, reveals some...
Organised crime and child sexual exploitation in local communities
Last year Perpetuity Research and the Police Foundation completed research regarding the impact of organised crime on local communities. A part of this two-year research project involved exploring the impact of organised crime and child sex exploitation (CSE) in local...
The impact of organised crime in the off-street sex market
Research conducted jointly by Perpetuity Research and Police foundation published today shows that organised crime plays a major role in local off-street sex markets. The study, based in Bristol, found that very many of the brothels identified were managed by...
New research finds that up to 45% of fraud is linked to organised crime.
New research by the Police Foundation and Perpetuity Research has found that between 31% and 45% of fraud may be linked to organised crime. This is up to three times higher than the 15% found in previous studies. The research, which was funded by the Dawes Trust,...
Benchmarking Loss Prevention
There is a new report out today which provides a view of the state of loss prevention from those who are in charge of it. Leading loss prevention managers have contributed to this report. It shows that while organised crime is perceived to be a more significant...
Financial Investigation – Identifying the value
This report is based on responses from 2,500 investigators. What is perhaps most significant abut the findings is the extent to which financial investigation techniques help solves and provide evidence for a wide range of other offences including murder, and how the...
Youth Offending Service: Consultation with Young People, Parents and Carers in Leicestershire
As part of the Every Child Matters guidance, public funded bodies must now demonstrate how children and young people participate in the design, delivery and evaluation of the services they use. Leicestershire YOS commissioned Perpetuity to consult with young people...
Evaluating Violent Crime in Bolton Town Centre – Executive Summary
In early 2007 Perpetuity evaluated violent crime in Bolton town centre. The evaluation provided the local Community Safety Partnership with insights into the management of both the day time and night time economy and assessed the effectiveness of the current approach...
Royal Armouries Museum: Tackling Knife Crime
This study involved a systematic review of the literature and research pertaining to knife crime in the UK. It was found that a wealth of information was available but often this was contradictory, inaccurate and misleading. Perpetuity produced a review that...
Accident and Emergency Data Sharing in London: Early Lessons for Policy and Practice
Accident and emergency departments (A&E) can contribute effectively to violence prevention by working with Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs) and by sharing, electronically wherever possible, simple anonymised data. This data can be used to enhance...
Women’s Work – Evaluation of The Big Difference Project And The Link Work Project
Evaluation of sex workers project/family project. The main aims of the evaluation were to assess the projects against their intended aims and objectives, to assess the effectiveness (strengths and weaknesses) of the projects, to consider how the projects contribute to...