On behalf of the teaching union, NASUWT, Perpetuity Research carried out a study to understand the contemporary issues facing new teachers and to measure change since our previous research on this topic (click here to see the previous study). Indeed the findings...
Safer Schools and Hospitals
The Safer Hospitals Project is part of the Safer Schools and Hospitals Project (SSHP) which is part of a Treasury funded initiative under the Invest to Save Budget (ISB). The aim of the project is to create five showcase sites with an integrated technology approach to...
NASUWT – Evaluation of the Behaviour Improvement Programme
Bad behaviour and truancy are two of the biggest challenges facing schools today; research shows that there are positive relationships between attendance at school and academic performance and powerful evidence that those who are not in school are easily drawn into...
NASUWT – Evaluation of the Professional Development of Newly Qualified Teachers
Based upon the findings obtained from the research study below into violence and indiscipline in schools, PRCI was invited to undertake a national research study of the professional development of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs). Part of the research agenda was to...
NASUWT – Violence & Indiscipline in Schools
PRCI were commissioned by NASUWT to undertake a scoping study to inform a national plan to develop a comprehensive research programme on violence and indiscipline in schools within the UK. You can download the full report free below. Download the NASUWT - Violence &...
NASUWT – Recently Qualified Teachers
On behalf of the teaching union, NASUWT, Perpetuity carried out a five year longitudinal study of recently qualified teachers supported by a survey of newly qualified teachers to understand their experiences. This report is the final report and looks at the level and...
One More Broken Window
Research into the impact of 'broken windows' on schools. 'Broken windows' is a theory of a spiral of decline. This piece of research used a case study design to explore the impact of the local physical environment on three schools across England. Teachers, parents,...
Gangs and Schools
As part of its ongoing work with the NASUWT, Perpetuity has been exploring the issue of gangs and schools in the UK. Stage one of the research which is now complete has adopted a case study approach in four urban schools in England supported by a literature review of...
Sink or swim? Learning Lessons from Newly Qualified and Recently Qualified Teachers
Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International have for the last five years been undertaking research, commissioned by the NASUWT, the largest teachers' union in the UK, into the experiences of newly qualified teachers (NQTs) and recently qualified teachers (RQTs)....