Perpetuity undertook a piece of research on behalf of the NASUWT to explore the experiences of prejudice related bullying and harassment (PRB) amongst teachers and headteachers in schools. The study involved: a largescale literature review of available sources on...
Financial Investigation – Identifying the value
This report is based on responses from 2,500 investigators. What is perhaps most significant abut the findings is the extent to which financial investigation techniques help solves and provide evidence for a wide range of other offences including murder, and how the...
A review of the links between domestic violence and substance misuse in Warwickshire
PRCI conducted a review of the relationship between domestic violence and substance misuse, and examined current procedures and support structures in Warwickshire for the five Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships. You can download the full report free below....
Sink or swim? Learning Lessons from Newly Qualified and Recently Qualified Teachers
Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International have for the last five years been undertaking research, commissioned by the NASUWT, the largest teachers' union in the UK, into the experiences of newly qualified teachers (NQTs) and recently qualified teachers (RQTs)....
Research into the views and perceptions of drug dealers
Although much is known about drugs markets across the United States this is not necessarily wholly applicable to the UK and there is a requirement for further research into dealing. PRCI were awarded a contract to deliver a consultation exercise with a sample of drug...
Alcohol Needs Assessment/Strategy Development
In 2008, Bedfordshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (B:DAT) commissioned Perpetuity to undertake an alcohol needs assessment. The main aim of the assessment was to gather a body of evidence to inform the development of a local alcohol strategy. The needs assessment...
Derby DIP Review
In June 2008, Perpetuity was commissioned by Derby Community Safety Partnership (DSCP) to undertake a review of the first year of the re-commissioned DIP service in Derby. The review was designed to address four key areas including: engagement and retention, crime,...
Evaluation of an innovative supported housing scheme in Nottinghamshire
In 2008 Perpetuity were commissioned by Nottinghamshire DAAT to conduct a 12 month evaluation of an innovative supported housing scheme led by a partnership of local agencies including Supporting People, Primary Care Trust (PCT), Regional National Treatment Agency...
Derby Alcohol Needs Assessment
In 2009, Perpetuity were commissioned by Derby Community Safety Partnership (DCSP) to undertake an alcohol needs assessment, the first of its kind in Derby City. The focus of the needs assessment was to make sense of existing data sets and to understand more about the...
Derby Adult and Young People Drug Needs Assessment
Perpetuity were commissioned by Derby Community Safety Partnership (DCSP) to undertake the 2009 drug needs assessment for adults and young people. The purpose of the needs assessment was to gather a body of evidence to inform the development of the adult drug...
Bedfordshire Adult Drug Needs Assesssment
Perpetuity were commissioned by Bedfordshire Drug Action Team (B:DAT) to undertake the 2009 adult drug needs assessment. The needs assessment covered two unitary authority areas including Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire. The purpose of the needs assessment...
Youth Offending Service: Consultation with Young People, Parents and Carers in Leicestershire
As part of the Every Child Matters guidance, public funded bodies must now demonstrate how children and young people participate in the design, delivery and evaluation of the services they use. Leicestershire YOS commissioned Perpetuity to consult with young people...
Introduction to Purchasing Security
The SRI has produced two reports on Procurement of Security. The first contains findings from a research study focussing on those engaged in the buying decision. It raises some interesting findings not least that the security sector believe that procurers often do not...
Demonstrating the Value of Security
Procurers noted that one of the problems for the security sector (and a criticism of it) was that it did not show how it added value and therefore tended to be viewed as an unwelcome cost. Thus the second year of the SRI focussed on the extent to which security could...
Organisational Perspectives on the Value of Security
This study was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the view of the security function from those in senior management positions within organisations but not those specialising in security. Not only was security commonly considered as an important function...
The Opportunities and Barriers to Partnership Working Between the Police and Private Sector
This research looks at how the police and private security industry work together and how the police and corporate security work in partnership, in order to identify the barriers preventing effective partnership initiatives and to establish what opportunities exist....
The Security Sector in Perspective
This study identifies how individuals from the security sector view the current state of the sector and examines their perspectives on economic and regulatory changes. The key feature of this study was to design and administer an online survey of the security sector,...
A Drugs and Alcohol Needs Assessment for Children, Young People and Families of Bedfordshire
This needs assessment for Bedfordshire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (BDAT) was undertaken to inform the young people's specialist substance misuse treatment plan, submitted to the National Treatment Agency (NTA) in January 2008. As part of this work Perpetuity...
Assessing the housing needs of drug and alcohol users in Bedfordshire
Researchers from PRCI gathered the perspectives of a number of drug and alcohol users and offenders to help understand the level of need for housing support considered essential to the effective rehabilitation and resettlement of users and offenders. The study found...
Evaluating Violent Crime in Bolton Town Centre – Executive Summary
In early 2007 Perpetuity evaluated violent crime in Bolton town centre. The evaluation provided the local Community Safety Partnership with insights into the management of both the day time and night time economy and assessed the effectiveness of the current approach...
Royal Armouries Museum: Tackling Knife Crime
This study involved a systematic review of the literature and research pertaining to knife crime in the UK. It was found that a wealth of information was available but often this was contradictory, inaccurate and misleading. Perpetuity produced a review that...
Evaluation of The SmokeScreen Mediology
This involved an evaluation of the SmokeScreen Mediology, an innovative campaign to prevent young people taking up smoking. It focused on making young people aware of how smoking is presented in the media (such as films, music videos, computer games and fashion) by...
Accident and Emergency Data Sharing in London: Early Lessons for Policy and Practice
Accident and emergency departments (A&E) can contribute effectively to violence prevention by working with Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs) and by sharing, electronically wherever possible, simple anonymised data. This data can be used to enhance...
Safer Schools and Hospitals
The Safer Hospitals Project is part of the Safer Schools and Hospitals Project (SSHP) which is part of a Treasury funded initiative under the Invest to Save Budget (ISB). The aim of the project is to create five showcase sites with an integrated technology approach to...
NASUWT – Evaluation of the Behaviour Improvement Programme
Bad behaviour and truancy are two of the biggest challenges facing schools today; research shows that there are positive relationships between attendance at school and academic performance and powerful evidence that those who are not in school are easily drawn into...
Women’s Work – Evaluation of The Big Difference Project And The Link Work Project
Evaluation of sex workers project/family project. The main aims of the evaluation were to assess the projects against their intended aims and objectives, to assess the effectiveness (strengths and weaknesses) of the projects, to consider how the projects contribute to...
NASUWT – Evaluation of the Professional Development of Newly Qualified Teachers
Based upon the findings obtained from the research study below into violence and indiscipline in schools, PRCI was invited to undertake a national research study of the professional development of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs). Part of the research agenda was to...
NASUWT – Violence & Indiscipline in Schools
PRCI were commissioned by NASUWT to undertake a scoping study to inform a national plan to develop a comprehensive research programme on violence and indiscipline in schools within the UK. You can download the full report free below. Download the NASUWT - Violence &...
NASUWT – Recently Qualified Teachers
On behalf of the teaching union, NASUWT, Perpetuity carried out a five year longitudinal study of recently qualified teachers supported by a survey of newly qualified teachers to understand their experiences. This report is the final report and looks at the level and...
One More Broken Window
Research into the impact of 'broken windows' on schools. 'Broken windows' is a theory of a spiral of decline. This piece of research used a case study design to explore the impact of the local physical environment on three schools across England. Teachers, parents,...