ATM Crime

One of the key issues in understanding how to reduce opportunities to commit crime is to understand the offenders’ perspectives. This small-scale project is based on interviews with just six people who admitted to committing over one thousand offences, between 52 and 88 of these offences were committed at ATMs mostly ‘muggings’ or robberies. The findings provide insights into the […]

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Organising for Brand Protection

Following the work done on the illicit market (below), PRCI conducted further work into the structures that companies put in place to protect their brands and identify practices that can be used to carry the fight to illicit market operators, as well as the benefits that can accrue to organisations that take action suggested as appropriate by careful assessment of […]

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Shoplifters on Shop Theft – Implications for Retailers

Shoplifters across three continents have been filmed by academic researchers for the first time as they recreated their crimes. The report, ‘Shoplifters on shop theft: implications for retailers’ offers fascinating insights into how thieves say they steal and provides retailers with insights that can help them tackle shoplifting. The report looks at the ‘decision circle’, the six key stages at […]

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Security Officers Research

Retail security officers can make a major contribution to an efficient, profitable and safe retail environment however their deployment does not guarantee a crime free store. This summary report outlines key issues that impact upon the effectiveness of uniformed retail security officers. The findings are based on a study sponsored by retail clients and their suppliers. The study involved interviews, […]

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Home Security and Place Design

Security has a cost at the point of build or refurbishment. Such benefits as it may confer come later. The means by which such benefits may best be conferred require discussion. This report (Sponsored by ACPO CPI) attempts to discuss the benefits (direct and indirect) against the costs, and (given that security is concluded to have benefits), to decide how […]

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Identity Theft & Fraud – Learning from the USA

A new report is recommending all consumers be given access to one free credit report per year in order to combat identity theft, one of the UK’s fastest growing crimes. The report, Identity Theft and Fraud: Learning from the USA was written by leading criminologist Professor Martin Gill and commissioned by Capital One. Professor Gill suggests that free annual credit […]

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Learning from Fraudsters

The report is based on interviews with 16 convicted offenders. The main focus is on people who have stolen large sums from organisations with which they are connected (usually those that they are employed by). Listening to what they have to say facilitates insights from a different perspective, and it is hoped that highlighting offenders’ experiences and the reasons for […]

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The Fight Against Identify Fraud: A Brief Study of the EU, the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands

This report is based on a brief review of the response to identity theft in the EU, the Netherlands, France, Germany and the UK. In particular the report focuses on what the current status in law regarding identity theft is in each country, what individual governments are doing to highlight the issue with individuals/businesses and what estimates have been made/assessments […]

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Learning from Fraudsters – Reinforcing the Message

A second report based on follow-up interviews with fraudsters has been published. The work was undertaken for Protiviti and includes interviews with a range of different types of fraudsters, including those who committed passport frauds and were caught when leaving the country, a fraudster who adopted identities, and theft from employers including someone who stole from a school and two […]

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Identity Theft in the UK: The Offender and Victim Perpective

This main purpose of this study was to consult offenders to provide an insight into how they get hold of the information that they use to commit identity fraud with a special focus on using paper based documents e.g. utility bills, bank statements, birth certificates etc. By consulting victims the aim was to get their perspective on how their details […]

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