by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Feb 9, 2016 | Blog, News, Research
According to the BRC’s 2015 Retail Crime Survey, the cost of crime on the retail market was over £600 million in 2015, which is an increase on last year with more than 4 million offences committed. While there are problems in any survey of this the, and caution...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Dec 17, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News
As the year draws to a close and a new one emerges just beyond the horizon, this month’s crime byte will be exploring the crime and security trends to look out for in 2016. Gathered from across the web, the collection below intends to help you prepare for the year...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Dec 8, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News
The Sussex police have began to pilot a Business Crime Initiative in order to tackle business crime more efficiently. The initiative, which is starting out in Sussex and could grow if successful, aims to bring businesses and police closer together so they can fight...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Nov 16, 2015 | Blog, Events, News
This week, the Ministry of Justice’s Restorative Justice campaign commences with the intention of increasing awareness of restorative justice schemes. Restorative Justice schemes bring together victims and offenders to benefit both parties, and the aim is to...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Nov 6, 2015 | Blog, News
The Home office have recently published 16 news updates on Crime and Policing. Amongst them, item 12 outlines how guidelines on theft and how offenders should be sentenced will be changed early next year. This is the first time that there will be a standardised...