by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Oct 30, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News
With the clocks turning back last weekend in the UK, the risk of burglary has increased greatly due to the darker evenings. Consequently, this October, the Sussex Police have issued an Autumn Burglary Campaign to give the public advice on how to prevent burglaries and...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Oct 30, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News, Research
Research suggests that the use of Restorative Justice to reconcile offenders with their victim(s) and/or the wider community, has the potential to reduce repeat offending. Consequently it can bring benefits to victims of crime, offenders, and ultimately the criminal...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Sep 22, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News, Research
Voice phishing (commonly referred to as vishing) is the criminal practice of using social engineering over the phone to gain access to victims’ personal and financial information in order to defraud them. Fraudsters often pose as bank staff or police officers, and can...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Sep 22, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, Journals, News
‘Safety and Security In Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach’ is the latest addition to Professor Martin Gill’s Crime Prevention and Security Management series. Edited by Vania Ceccato and Andrew Newton, the book presents important...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Aug 19, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News, Research
The What Works Centre has listed a new intervention on their What Works Crime Reduction Toolkit, which focusses on Transferring youths to the adult criminal justice system. The research analyses whether youths who are transferred from a young offenders institution to...