by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Aug 13, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News
The BBC has recently reported that the police are investigating their first case of ‘cyber flashing’ after a commuter received an indecent image on her phone. The crime is the first of its type to be reported and police have encouraged anyone to report any...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Aug 6, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News, Research
At the start of the century it would have been unthinkable that public safety could be compromised by criminals sitting in their own living room. However, with the rapid increase in internet-connected devices, hackers can cause havoc on many different fronts....
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Jul 31, 2015 | Blog, Front Page, News
In a move that attempts to shift away from the criminalisation of drug users and free up resources to tackle more serious crime, Durham Police force have stated that they will no longer be actively pursuing cannabis smokers and small-scale growers. Ron Hogg, Durham’s...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Dec 22, 2014 | Blog, Front Page, News
Perpetuity’s Research Assistant Amy Randall was featured on BBC Three Counties radio breakfast show this week to discuss the court case of a homeless man who stole a t-shirt worth just £2.50 from a charity shop. As the value of the item was so low, the man left...
by tacklingviolenceprofessionalshalloffame_zm1bll | Oct 29, 2014 | Blog, Featured, Research
A new project Perpetuity Research and The Police Foundation are running a two year project which will focus on helping the police and their partners to work towards identifying strategies to reduce the impact of serious organised crime in local communities. Bridging...